The first scalable, interactive hydrological modelling environment for strategic risk and resource management. Designed for decision makers balancing the complex needs of stakeholders at river basin scale.

Periscope in 90 seconds

Short for time? No problem. Our Periscope explainer video introduces you to the key parts of our interactive modelling environment in just 90 seconds.

Water is an ongoing challenge and risk faced by multiple industries and sectors

Water reliant sectors MUST make better strategic decisions about how water is valued, used and stored and above all, communicated.






We are ALL stakeholders in Water. Effective water management relies on decision-making tools that are transparent, easy to understand, and testable.


Interactive data visualization and dashboards.


Intuitive modelling and user interface.


Validated modelling that you can test with real-time ‘what if’ scenario planning.

Water management never ends…

Water management and planning requires ongoing monitoring and forecasting and the best tools in the toolbox for this are computer models.

Periscope can create physics-based coupled models of both groundwater and surface water processes at river basin scale.  It presents the model outputs and the process in an interactive environment that is transparent, easy to understand, and testable.

Periscope will allow you to:

  • Reliably model your river basin using the best available modelling methodologies.
  • Get updates to your water management problems when you need them.
  • Test your management concepts at any time
  • Demonstrate your problems and solutions in an interactive environment.
  • Communicate your plans more easily and quickly to collaborate with key stakeholders.
  • Forecast and quantify your impact.

Designed for scalability:

  • Cloud based application accessible from anywhere.
  • Global data warehouse with secure gated access and back-up.
  • Automated harvesting of public open-source data.
  • Combine your privately collected data with public data to increase model resolution.
  • Scalable models and simulations.
  • Software as a Service providing tools for clients, project mangers, engineers and consultants.


Be part of our beta testing journey to help shape the latest innovation in water resource management!

Join us on OUR ongoing development journey so that we can hand YOU the keys to YOUR interactive modelling environment: Periscope™️.

    We are proudly a triple bottom-line (People, Planet and Profit), B Corporation Certified business seeking above all to solve big problems and leave only positive tracks. Our platform is revolutionary and has huge potential to positively impact on water resource management across a variety of sectors around the world.