Geo Conservation
Whilst a subject unfamiliar to many, geoconservation has become a material part of the planning process in the UK, and is increasingly prominent across the world. Geoconservation involves recognising, protecting and managing sites identified as important for their geodiversity (their rocks, fossils, minerals, or other geological or geomorphological features of interest).

Within the UK, geoconservation now features as a material concern for planning in most local authority areas, be that in the form of statutorily protected sites (Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) with earth science features), or through the national networks of Regionally Important Geological/ Geomorphological Sites (RIGS, or Local Sites as they are now termed under the National Planning Policy Framework). Where development pressures place new projects in proximity to such sites, there is equal weight placed on protecting and enhancing geodiversity features as biodiversity, and hence expert advice is required to support the development process.

Here at Yellow Sub Geo our staff have great experience in the investigation, assessment and conservation of our geological and geomorphological heritage, having worked both as regulator and as consultants helping developers deliver sites where these features are prominent. Our experience is therefore unrivalled in the UK in delivering development projects that coexist, and indeed usually enhance, existing features of RIGS and SSSI.
In every case this has involved the undertaking of baseline surveys and geoconservation assessments, culminating in the writing of Environmental Statement chapters for the scheme. We are experienced in working with developers and regulators to deliver practical, pragmatic and novel solutions in incorporating and enhancing geoconservation assets as part of the development process.

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